von Raquel Nevado Ramos:
Do 22 05 2025:
ca. 40 Min.
„Plié“ beschäftigt sich mit der emotionalen und kulturellen Resonanz von Migration. Die Performance geht dabei den inneren Konflikten nach, die sich aus dem Spannungsfeld des Verlusts der eigenen Kultur sowie des Gefühls der Entfremdung im neuen Umfeld ergeben: Empfindungen von Machtlosigkeit, die Sehnsucht nach Vertrautem und die Herausforderung, sich in einer globalisierten Welt neu zu positionieren. Zwischen dem kulturellen Erbe Andalusiens und der internationalen Metakultur des zeitgenössischen Tanzes teilen die Choreografin und Tänzer*innen ähnliche migrantische Erfahrungen, die in der Performance verhandelt werden.
English version:
By Raquel Nevado Ramos
Th 22 05
Fri 23 05
Duration: approx. 40 minutes
“Plié” explores the emotional and cultural impact of migration, delving into the inner conflicts that arise from the tension between losing one’s own culture and feeling alienated in a new environment. Themes of powerlessness, longing for the familiar, and the challenge of redefining oneself in a globalised world take centre stage. Positioned between the cultural heritage of Andalusia and the international meta-culture of contemporary dance, the choreographer and dancers draw from their own migrant experiences and transform them into a shared artistic dialogue.
Chorography: Raquel Nevado Ramos
Music & Dramaturgy: Johannes Schropp
Performance: Carla Gonzalez Perez, Juan Camilo Rojas Arevalo Clara Valdera Barbero…
Th 22 05
Fri 23 05
Duration: approx. 40 minutes
“Plié” explores the emotional and cultural impact of migration, delving into the inner conflicts that arise from the tension between losing one’s own culture and feeling alienated in a new environment. Themes of powerlessness, longing for the familiar, and the challenge of redefining oneself in a globalised world take centre stage. Positioned between the cultural heritage of Andalusia and the international meta-culture of contemporary dance, the choreographer and dancers draw from their own migrant experiences and transform them into a shared artistic dialogue.
Chorography: Raquel Nevado Ramos
Music & Dramaturgy: Johannes Schropp
Performance: Carla Gonzalez Perez, Juan Camilo Rojas Arevalo Clara Valdera Barbero…

Foto: Tatsuki Takada