FC Prinz von Homburg: Träume und Handgemenge:
sehr frei nach Heinrich von Kleist:
Do 17 04 2025:
Ein Prinz wird verurteilt. Obwohl Friedrich von Homburg in der Schlacht bei Fehrbellin siegreich war, wird er vom König wegen Befehlsverweigerung bestraft. Was bedeutet Ungehorsam? Wie beeinflussen Gruppendynamiken das individuelle Handeln? Und welche Konsequenzen sind wir bereit zu tragen, wenn wir uns gegen eine Autorität stellen? Amir Reza Koohestani untersucht die politischen Dimensionen von Heinrich von Kleists letztem Theaterstück und stellt es in einen populären Kontext: Fußball.
English version:
FC Prinz Homburg
Amir Reza Koohestani & Mahin Sadri
Sat 24 05
Wed 28 05
Sat 31 05
Kleines Haus
Freely adapted from texts by Heinrich von Kleist
Language: German
A prince is condemned. Frederick of Homburg charges into the Battle of Fehrbellin on his own initiative and, although he secures victory, he defies the king’s orders and is punished for his disobedience. Inspired by this conflict, director and writer Amir Reza Koohestani radically rewrites Heinrich von Kleist’s final drama. He transports the cast of characters to the world of football – a stage where discipline, excess, and big business collide. Through this lens, Koohestani draws striking parallels between war and sport, exploring their performative, strategic and commercial nature. What does it mean to obey or rebel in a system designed for spectacle? What are the consequences of disobedience? How do group dynamics shape individual behaviour? And how far are we willing to go when we choose to defy authority?
A production by the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Direction: Amir Reza Koohestani
Stage Design: Mitra Nadjmabadi
Costume Design: Gabriele Rupprecht
Music: Matthias Peyker
Video: Phillip Hohenwarter
Lighting Design: Steffen Hilbricht
Sound Design: Matthias Peyker
Dramaturgy: Hannah Stollmayer
Sat 24 05
Wed 28 05
Sat 31 05
Kleines Haus
Freely adapted from texts by Heinrich von Kleist
Language: German
A prince is condemned. Frederick of Homburg charges into the Battle of Fehrbellin on his own initiative and, although he secures victory, he defies the king’s orders and is punished for his disobedience. Inspired by this conflict, director and writer Amir Reza Koohestani radically rewrites Heinrich von Kleist’s final drama. He transports the cast of characters to the world of football – a stage where discipline, excess, and big business collide. Through this lens, Koohestani draws striking parallels between war and sport, exploring their performative, strategic and commercial nature. What does it mean to obey or rebel in a system designed for spectacle? What are the consequences of disobedience? How do group dynamics shape individual behaviour? And how far are we willing to go when we choose to defy authority?
A production by the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden
Direction: Amir Reza Koohestani
Stage Design: Mitra Nadjmabadi
Costume Design: Gabriele Rupprecht
Music: Matthias Peyker
Video: Phillip Hohenwarter
Lighting Design: Steffen Hilbricht
Sound Design: Matthias Peyker
Dramaturgy: Hannah Stollmayer
17 04 2025
19.30 Uhr
Premiere: Schauspiel: Kleines Haus:
20 04 2025
18 Uhr
Schauspiel: Kleines Haus:
28 05 2025
19.30 Uhr
Internationale Maifestspiele: Schauspiel: Kleines Haus:
29 05 2025
19.30 Uhr
Internationale Maifestspiele: Schauspiel: Kleines Haus:
Mitra Nadjmabadi
Gabriele Rupprecht
Matthias Peyker
Phillip Hohenwarter
Steffen Hilbricht
Matthias Peyker